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ingestr ingest

The ingest command is a core feature of the ingestr tool, allowing users to transfer data from a source to a destination with optional support for incremental updates.


The following example demonstrates how to use the ingest command to transfer data from a source to a destination.

ingestr ingest \
   --source-uri '<your-source-uri-here>' \
   --source-table '<your-schema>.<your-table>' \
   --dest-uri '<your-destination-uri-here>'

Required flags

  • --source-uri TEXT: Required. Specifies the URI of the data source.
  • --dest-uri TEXT: Required. Specifies the URI of the destination where data will be ingested.
  • --source-table TEXT: Required. Defines the source table to fetch data from.

Optional flags

  • --dest-table TEXT: Designates the destination table to save the data. If not specified, defaults to the value of --source-table.
  • --incremental-key TEXT: Identifies the key used for incremental data strategies. Defaults to None.
  • --incremental-strategy TEXT: Defines the strategy for incremental updates. Options include replace, append, delete+insert, or merge. The default strategy is replace.
  • --interval-start: Sets the start of the interval for the incremental key. Defaults to None.
  • --interval-end: Sets the end of the interval for the incremental key. Defaults to None.
  • --primary-key TEXT: Specifies the primary key for the merge operation. Defaults to None.
  • --columns <column_name>:<column_type>: Specifies the columns to be ingested. Defaults to None.

The interval-start and interval-end options support various datetime formats, here are some examples:

  • %Y-%m-%d: 2023-01-31
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S: 2023-01-31T15:00:00
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z: 2023-01-31T15:00:00+00:00
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f: 2023-01-31T15:00:00.000123
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z: 2023-01-31T15:00:00.000123+00:00


For the details around the incremental key and the various strategies, please refer to the Incremental Loading section.

General flags

  • --help: Displays the help message and exits the command.


Ingesting a CSV file to DuckDB

ingestr ingest \
   --source-uri 'csv://input.csv' \
   --source-table 'sample' \
   --dest-uri 'duckdb://output.duckdb'

Copy a table from Postgres to DuckDB

ingestr ingest \
   --source-uri 'postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=disable' \
   --source-table 'public.input_table' \
   --dest-uri 'duckdb://output.duckdb' \
   --dest-table 'public.output_table'

Incrementally ingest a table from Postgres to BigQuery

ingestr ingest 
   --source-uri 'postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=disable' \
   --source-table 'public.users' \
   --dest-uri 'bigquery://my_project?credentials_path=/path/to/service/account.json&location=EU' \
   --dest-table 'raw.users' \
   --incremental-key 'updated_at' \
   --incremental-strategy 'delete+insert'

Load an interval of data from Postgres to BigQuery using a date column

ingestr ingest 
   --source-uri 'postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=disable' \
   --source-table 'public.users' \
   --dest-uri 'bigquery://my_project?credentials_path=/path/to/service/account.json&location=EU' \
   --dest-table 'raw.users' \
   --incremental-key 'dt' \
   --incremental-strategy 'delete+insert' \
   --interval-start '2023-01-01' \
   --interval-end '2023-01-31' \
   --columns 'dt:date'

Load a specific query from Postgres to Snowflake

ingestr ingest 
   --source-uri 'postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=disable' \
   --dest-uri 'snowflake://user:password@account/dbname?warehouse=COMPUTE_WH&role=my_role' \
   --source-table 'query:SELECT * FROM public.users as pu JOIN public.orders as o ON = o.user_id WHERE pu.dt BETWEEN :interval_start AND :interval_end' \
   --dest-table 'raw.users' \
   --incremental-key 'dt' \
   --incremental-strategy 'delete+insert' \
   --interval-start '2023-01-01' \
   --interval-end '2023-01-31' \
   --columns 'dt:date'


For more examples, please refer to the specific platforms' documentation on the sidebar.