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GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code.

ingestr supports GitHub as a source.

URI format

The URI format for GitHub is as follows:


URI parameters:

  • access_token (optional): Access Token used for authentication with the GitHub API
  • owner (required): Refers to the owner of the repository
  • repo (required): Refers to the name of the repository

Setting up a GitHub Integration

GitHub requires a few steps to set up an integration, please follow the guide dltHub has built here.

Once you complete the guide, you should have an access token. Let's say your access token is ghp_test_1234, the owner is max, and the name of the repository is test_example. Here is a sample command that will copy the data from GitHub into a DuckDB database:

ingestr ingest --source-uri 'github://?access_token=ghp_test_1234&owner=max&repo=test_example' --source-table 'issues' --dest-uri duckdb:///github.duckdb --dest-table 'dest.issues'

This is a sample command that will copy the data from the GitHub source to DuckDB.



GitHub source allows ingesting the following sources into separate tables:

  • issues: Retrieves data about issues, their associated comments, and subsequent reactions
  • pull_requests: Retrieves all pull requests
  • repo_events: Retrieves all the repo events associated with the repository
  • stargazers: Retrieves all stargazers

Use these as --source-table parameter in the ingestr ingest command.


GitHub does not support incremental loading for many endpoints in its APIs, which means ingestr will load endpoints incrementally if they support it, and do a full-refresh if not.