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Gorgias is a helpdesk for e-commerce merchants, providing customer service via email, social media, SMS, and live chat.

ingestr supports Gorgias as a source.

URI Format

The URI format for Gorgias is as follows:


URI parameters:

  • domain: the domain of the Gorgias account without the full, e.g. mycompany
  • api_key: the integration token used for authentication with the Gorgias API
  • email: the email address of the user to connect to the Gorgias API

The URI is used to connect to the Gorgias API for extracting data.


# get all the tickets that are created/updated since 2024-06-19 and write them to `gorgias.ticket_messages` table on BigQuery
ingestr ingest --source-table 'tickets' --source-uri $GORGIAS_URI --dest-uri $BIGQUERY_URI --interval-start 2024-06-19  --dest-table 'gorgias.ticket_messages' --loader-file-format jsonl

# get all the customers and write them to `gorgias.customers` table on DuckDB
ingestr ingest --source-table 'customers' --source-uri $GORGIAS_URI --dest-uri duckdb:///gorgias.duckdb --interval-start 2024-01-01  --dest-table 'gorgias.customers'

Supported Entities

The Gorgias source supports a growing list of entities, feel free to create an issue if you need more entities to be supported.


Customers are the users who have interacted with the support team. Each customer has a unique ID and contains information such as the name and email.

You can retrieve customers by using customers as the source table.


Tickets are the main entity in Gorgias, representing customer inquiries. Each ticket has a unique ID and contains information such as the customer, status, and messages.

You can retrieve tickets by using tickets as the source table.

Ticket Messages

Ticket messages are the messages exchanged between the customer and the support agent in a ticket. Each message has a unique ID and contains information such as the sender, content, and timestamp.

You can retrieve ticket messages by using ticket_messages as the source table.

Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction surveys are sent to customers after a ticket is resolved to gather feedback on their experience. Each survey has a unique ID and contains information such as the rating and comments.

You can retrieve satisfaction surveys by using satisfaction_surveys as the source table.