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Asset Definition

Assets are defined in a YAML format in the same file as the asset code. This enables the metadata to be right next to the code, reducing the friction when things change and encapsulating the relevant details in a single file. The definition includes all the details around an asset from its name to the quality checks that will be executed.

Here's an example asset definition:

/* @bruin

name: dashboard.hello_bq
type: bq.sql

   - hello_python

   type: table

   - dashboard
   - team:xyz
  - name: one
    type: integer
    description: "Just a number"
        - name: unique
        - name: not_null
        - name: positive
        - name: accepted_values
          value: [1, 2]

@bruin */

select 1 as one
union all
select 2 as one


Bruin has an open-source Visual Studio Code extension that does syntax-highlighting for the definition syntax and more.


The name of the asset, used for many things including dependencies, materialiation and more. Corresponds to the schema.table convention. Must consist of letters and dot . character.

  • Type: String


The type of the asset, determines how the execution will happen. Must be one of the types here.

  • Type: String


The list of assets this asset depends on. This list determines the execution order. In other words, the asset will be executed only when all of the assets in the depends list have succeeded.

  • Type: String[]


This option determines how the asset will be materialized. Refer to the docs on materialization for more details.


This is a list that contains all the columns defined with the asset, along with their quality checks and other metadata. Refer to the columns documentation for more details.