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MongoDB is a popular, open source NoSQL database known for its flexibility, scalability, and wide adoption in a variety of applications.

Bruin supports MongoDB as a source for Ingestr assets, and you can use it to ingest data from MongoDB into your data warehouse.

In order to set up MongoDB connection, you need to add a configuration item in the .bruin.yml file and in asset file.

Follow the steps below to correctly set up MongoDB as a data source and run ingestion.

Step 1: Add a connection to .bruin.yml file

To connect to MongoDB, you need to add a configuration item to the connections section of the .bruin.yml file. This configuration must comply with the following schema:

        - name: "localMongo"
          username: "testUser"
          password: "testPass123"
          host: "localhost"
          port: 27018
          database: "testDB"
  • name: The name to identify this MongoDB connection
  • username: The MongoDB username with access to the database
  • password: The password for the specified username
  • host: The host address of the MongoDB server (e.g., localhost or an IP address)
  • port: The port number the database server is listening on (default: 27017)
  • database: The name of the database to connect to

Step 2: Create an asset file for data ingestion

To ingest data from MongoDB, you need to create an asset configuration file. This file defines the data flow from the source to the destination. Create a YAML file (e.g., mongo_ingestion.yml) inside the assets folder and add the following content:

name: public.mongo
type: ingestr
connection: postgres

  source_connection: localMongo
  source_table: 'users.details'

  destination: postgres
  • name: The name of the asset.
  • type: Specifies the type of the asset. Set this to ingestr to use the ingestr data pipeline.
  • connection: This is the destination connection, which defines where the data should be stored. For example: postgres indicates that the ingested data will be stored in a Postgres database.
  • source_connection: The name of the MongoDB connection defined in .bruin.yml.
  • source_table: The name of the data table in MongoDB that you want to ingest.

Step 3: Run asset to ingest data

bruin run assets/mongo_ingestion.yml

As a result of this command, Bruin will ingest data from the given MongoDB table into your Postgres database.
