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run Command

This command is used to execute a Bruin pipeline or a specific asset within a pipeline.

  • You can run the pipeline from the current directory or a specific path to the pipeline/task definition.
  • If you don't specify a path, Bruin will run the pipeline from the current directory.
  • If you specify a path, Bruin will run the pipeline/asset from the directory of the file.
    • Bruin will try to infer if the given path is a pipeline or an asset and will run accordingly.
  • You can give specific start and end dates to run the pipeline/asset for a specific range.
  • You can limit the types of tasks to run by using the --only flag.
    • E.g. only run the quality checks: bruin run --only checks
bruin run [FLAGS] [optional path to the pipeline/asset]


--downstreamboolfalseRun all downstream tasks as well.
--start-datestrBeginning of yesterdayThe start date of the range the pipeline will run for. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ffffff
--end-datestrEnd of yesterdayThe end date of the range the pipeline will run for. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ffffff
--environmentstr-The environment to use.
--forceboolfalseDo not ask for confirmation in a production environment.
--full-refreshboolfalseTruncate the table before running.
--no-log-fileboolfalseDo not create a log file for this run.
--only[]strmain, checksLimit the types of tasks to run. Options: main, checks, push-metadata.
--push-metadataboolfalsePush metadata to the destination database if supported (currently BigQuery).
--tagstr-Pick assets with the given tag.
--workersint16Number of workers to run tasks in parallel.


Run the pipeline from the current directory:

bruin run

Run the pipeline from a file:

bruin run ./pipelines/project1/pipeline.yml

Run a specific asset:

bruin run ./pipelines/project1/assets/my_asset.sql

Run the pipeline with a specific environment:

bruin run --environment dev

Run the pipeline with a specific start and end date:

bruin run --start-date 2024-01-01 --end-date 2024-01-31

Run the assets in the pipeline that contain a specific tag:

bruin run --tag my_tag

Run only the quality checks:

bruin run --only checks

Run only the main tasks and not the quality checks:

bruin run --only main

Metadata Push

Metadata push is a feature that allows you to push metadata to the destination database/data catalog if supported. Currently, we support BigQuery as the catalog.

There are two ways to push metadata:

  1. You can set the --push-metadata flag to true when running the pipeline/asset.
  2. You can fill out the metadata_push dictionary in the pipeline/asset definition.
# pipeline.yml
name: bruin-init
schedule: daily
start_date: "2024-09-01"

   google_cloud_platform: "my-gcp-connection"

  bigquery: true

When pushing the metadata, Bruin will detect the right connection to use, same way as it happens with running the asset.