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Query Preview Panel

The Query Preview Panel is located at the bottom of the VSCode interface, near the Lineage Panel. It offers a visual representation of the query output, displayed as a table.


  • Display Query Output

    • A Run button is available, along with the keybindings Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac). Clicking the button will execute the entire query for the asset and display the result.
    • The query must be located in a valid Bruin asset, random files are not supported at this time.
    • You can also select a part of the query to run. When you highlight a subquery and click Run, only the selected query will be executed, and the result will be shown.
    • Limit: The maximum number of rows displayed in the query output is limited to 1000. This limit is editable, but it cannot exceed 1000 rows.
    • Clear Icon Button: Clears the results of the current query output.
    • Search: Allows you to search for specific words within the query output. The number of matches found is displayed along with the total number of rows.
  • Multi-Tab Functionality

    • Multiple queries can be run in separate tabs, allowing you to add or delete tabs as needed. When you run a query, the output is displayed in the current tab, while the other tabs retain their individual query outputs.
    • Search and Clear work independently within each tab, just as the Run function does.

    Bruin Query Preview Panel